1 min read

AML Conversations - Driving the Evolution of Financial Crime Compliance: The People and Tech Imperative Report

Join Joe McNamara (AML RightSource), Elena Christopher (HFS Research), and John Byrne (AML RightSource), on a deep dive into the recent joint market impact report, “Driving the Evolution of Financial Crime Compliance: The People and Tech Imperative”. Joe, John, and Elena discuss some of the report’s interesting findings on the evolution of financial crime compliance, the driving force behind the survey, as well as a few practical insights found between the lines of the report. Discover how technology, when merged with expert human insights, is revolutionizing anti-money laundering efforts, particularly as we navigate the complexities of digital assets and expanding regulatory frameworks. Tune in for a compelling discussion on fostering effective collaborations between compliance professionals and law enforcement to tackle financial crimes more efficiently in today's dynamic environment. 

Session Notes: 
Get the full report from AML RightSource - Driving the Evolution of Financial Crime Compliance: The People and Tech Imperative 

Get the full report from HFS Research - Driving the evolution of financial crime compliance: The people and tech imperative - HFS Research