Elliot Burr


2 min read

Know Your Crypto: How KYC and AML are Helping Cryptocurrencies Go Mainstream

Cryptocurrencies have ascended the ranks from being a nascent concept to a legitimate commodity that banks are investing in. So much so, that regulatory bodies have had to adapt to an ever-shifting change in compliance, as they continue to assess...

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4 min read

Are Gray Area NFTs the New Source of Crypto-concern for AML?

“What does NFT even stand for, anyway?” Perhaps these words have resonated with you the past few months in conversations with colleagues or friends....

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2 min read

The Rise of Adverse Media Screening in KYC, AML and CDD

In highly regulated industries, the need for enhanced due diligence (EDD) on customers and counterparties has never been so necessary. In the case of...

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4 min read

Smoke Signals: Money Laundering and the Illegal Tobacco Trade

One of the key crimes that has alerted financial institutions and regulators is trade-based money laundering (TBML). The complexity that TBML...

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