Chuck Taylor

Mr. Taylor serves as Executive VP, Head of Financial Crimes Advisory at AML RightSource. He has over 20 years of regulatory compliance experience with multiple financial institutions. Mr. Taylor is an expert in Bank Secrecy Act (BSA)/Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Sanctions compliance. He regularly speaks at local and national conferences, is a founding member and former Co-Chair of the ACAMS SoCal Chapter, and serves as Board Chair of the West Coast Anti-Money Laundering Forum. Mr. Taylor obtained his bachelor's degree in communication from University of California, Santa Barbara, earned his juris doctorate at Santa Barbara College of Law and attended Pacific Coast Banking School. Mr. Taylor is a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) and a Certified AML and Fraud Professional (CAFP). In 2014 Mr. Taylor was recognized as the ACAMS AML Professional of the Year.


5 min read

The Suspicious Activity Report that is Not Suspicious – Marijuana Limited

As a former Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) Officer I understand that BSA requirements are intended to ensure the integrity of the banking system and detect and deter money laundering. My experience has also shown me that the most important output of a BSA...

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3 min read

The Risks and Rewards of Cryptocurrencies

Midyear, Janet Yellen the current administration’s Treasury Secretary weighed in on Virtual Currency (Crypto) “To the extent it is used, I fear it’s...

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High Risk Clients

3 min read

Not all high risk customers are created equal

While planning for a panel on Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) for high risk clients, I was provided with pre-conference questions submitted by...

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Chuck Taylor

2 min read

Why I Joined AML RightSource

As an AML professional with any sort of tenure, contact from recruiters becomes common place. It’s a nice problem to have but one that most of us try...

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