This Week in AML



6 min read

FinCEN and The Independent ATM Operators

FinCEN has issued a Statement on Bank Secrecy Act Due Diligence for Independent ATM Owners or Operators, focusing on the analysis that financial...

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6 min read

FinCEN’s New Advisory on Elder Financial Exploitation

FinCEN has issued updated guidance on Elder Financial Exploitation (EFE). The new Advisory looks at the increasing volume of thefts and scams...

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6 min read

DHS Updates the Terrorism Threat to the US

This week the Department of Homeland Security issued a bulletin, updating its assessment of the terrorism threat to the US. In the bulletin DHS...

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6 min read

Latest Views of the OCC on Cryptocurrency

Acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael Hsu recently spoke at the DC Blockchain Summit 2022 about the state of the virtual currency space. In his...

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6 min read

De-risking is A Broader Issue than Just Non-Profits

This week, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee sent a letter to President Biden about financial access...

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6 min read

US Tops Financial Secrecy Index

The Tax Justice Network has released its Financial Secrecy Index 2022. The Index “identifies the world’s biggest suppliers of financial secrecy” with...

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5 min read

Is London the Capitol of Dirty Capital?

The UK has become a haven for rich Russians. The lax approach to regulation has allowed money laundering to flourish. Recent government action in...

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5 min read

HSI – Cornerstone Outreach

Homeland Security Investigations’ (HSI) Outreach Initiative – Cornerstone recently shared information about the rising level of organized retail...

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5 min read

UAE Continues to Offer Safe Haven to Bad Actors

The International Consortium of Investigation Journalists (ICIJ) recently shared documents with The Irish Times about the Kinahan organized crime...

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4 min read

FinCEN Issues Guidance on Kleptocracies and Foreign Corruption

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) recently issued guidance about kleptocracies and foreign corruption. The guidance includes insights...

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6 min read

Secretary Yellen Discusses Digital Assets

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen spoke recently at American University about digital assets. The speech looked at the intersection of innovation,...

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7 min read

The Pandora Papers - The Gatekeepers

This week The Washington Post and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) published another segment of the Pandora Papers....

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6 min read

FinCEN Releases New SAR Data

FinCEN has released new Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) data. The data set covers the full years 2014 through 2021. The information looks at SARs...

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6 min read

Another Busy Week in Financial Crime Prevention

This week the US Department of Justice indicated that it will begin directing prosecutors to “consider requiring” certification at the end of an...

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4 min read

FATF Guidance for the Real Estate Sector

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has issued a 2nd Draft Guidance Paper for consideration and agreement to public consultation for the Real...

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4 min read

FinCEN: Stay Alert for Sanction Evasion

This week FinCEN issued an alert directing US financial institutions to increase their vigilance in watching for efforts to evade Russian related...

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6 min read

Task Force KleptoCapture

This week the US Department of Justice announced the formation of Task Force KleptoCapture. The Task Force is an “interagency law enforcement task...

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6 min read

Ukraine and the Global Sanctions Response

As a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, nations around the world have put sanctions in place against Russia, Russian companies, and Russian...

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5 min read

FinCEN and the Rapid Response Program

FinCEN has published a Fact Sheet on the Rapid Response Program. This program is a cooperative effort with federal law enforcement agencies and many...

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5 min read

National Focus on Human Trafficking

In January the US Department of Justice issued its National Strategy to Combat Human Trafficking. This week, a House of Representatives Committee...

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5 min read

US Treasury Meets with NGOs on Activities in Afghanistan

This week Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson spoke with leaders of NGOs active in Afghanistan. The...

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5 min read

2021 Corruption Perceptions Index Released – Things are Not Improving

This week Transparency International released its 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). The CPI uses a number of criteria to evaluate the status...

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5 min read

FinCEN Director Outlines Transformations in AML Compliance

This week FinCEN’s Acting Director, Him Das, delivered remarks at the ABA/ABA Financial Crimes Enforcement Conference. In the speech, he spoke about...

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6 min read

1/6/22 – Where Do We Go From Here?

This week was the 1st anniversary of the insurrection at the US Capitol. John and Elliot focus their conversation on what the financial crime...

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5 min read

Billions are Hidden in US Real Estate (Archive Edition)

This episode originally aired on October 15th, 2021. 

In August 2021, Global Financial Integrity published Acres of Money Laundering – Why U.S. Real...

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4 min read

FATF: Review of Standards on Virtual Assets and Providers (Archive Edition)

The FATF has issued it’s second 12-month review of its revised standards for virtual assets and virtual asset providers. John Byrne, Executive Vice...

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