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4 min read

Financial firms must tackle dark side of open banking and use it to stop crime

When it comes to fighting financial misconduct, open banking has a light and a dark side. It has the potential to help fight criminals, and to be exploited by them.

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Corruption: What is the Government Doing?

Corruption is a world-wide challenge. Governments and international organizations continue to battle this problem. Our panel of experts discuss...

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3 min read

When is a Priority an Actual Priority?

Where Do We Go from Here?[i]

Building on the various themes and issues addressed the AML Act of 2020, the Treasury Department has now published the...

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7 min read

Deepfakes: Ghosts in machines and their effect on the financial world

More and more lives and behaviours are migrating online and into the digital sphere, from socialising and working to how finance is accessed and...

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Cannabis: The Regulatory Landscape

The regulatory landscape for providing services to Cannabis Related Businesses continues to me a muddled mix of federal, state, and local rules. Our...

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4 min read

Are Gray Area NFTs the New Source of Crypto-concern for AML?

“What does NFT even stand for, anyway?” Perhaps these words have resonated with you the past few months in conversations with colleagues or friends....

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FinTechs: Reducing Friction in Customer Onboarding

In this edition of AML Voices, Elliot Berman, Creative Director at AML RightSource, Amelia Childress, Head of Compliance, Cash App at Square, Melissa...

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3 min read

Between COVID & Compliance – The Current Highs and Lows of the Dope Industry

The decriminalization of marijuana has been gathering increased momentum in recent years, particularly in the United States. At least 35 states...

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4 min read

The increasing risk of money laundering through illegal dog trafficking

Criminals will infiltrate any business that will garner financial gain, or cover up their other illicit activities. We’ve already seen this through...

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Cannabis: Three Tiered Risk Management

Assessing the risk of providing services to cannabis related businesses requires an analytical format. Our panel of experts discuss how using a three...

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4 min read

Information Overload: the increased need for Adverse Media Screening

The rise of technology and interconnectedness across the globe has coincided with an exponential increase in data generated over the last few...

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3 min read

Forced Labor & Covid-19 – What the Future Holds for AML Compliance

Greek myths tell the story of the Lernaean Hydra, a vicious monster with many heads. The serpentine monster was nearly impossible to kill, as its...

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3 min read

The FinCrime Files – Q&A with James Holian, Director, Financial Crime and Controls, NatWest Group

In this edition of our FinCrime Files interview series, we caught up with James Holian who is Director of Financial Crime and Controls at theNatWest...

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FinTechs: Working with Bank Partners

In this edition of AML Voices, Elliot Berman, Creative Director at AML RightSource, Amelia Childress, Head of Compliance, Cash App at Square, Melissa...

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3 min read

Post-Brexit UK: a patchwork quilt of sanctions regimes

The UK has launched a new sanctions regime following Brexit, underlining the fragmented nature of the international sanctions framework

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2 min read

QuantaVerse Introduces Fast Start Program to Speed and Improve the High-Risk Entity Review Process

Experience the Benefits of QuantaVerse High-Risk Entity Reports (HRER) in Just 60 Days

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3 min read

Cryptocurrency Exchanges and the Changing Tides of KYC Compliance

Even by cryptocurrency standards, the level of volatility displayed in 2021 has been quite astounding. In late May, a staggeringcrash wiped out...

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3 min read

Get Together: Partnering and Collaboration is a Model for Anti-HT Success*

We in the financial crime prevention community are still assessing how the new Administration will address white collar crime and accompanying...

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4 min read

Are grey area NFTs the new source of crypto-concern for AML?

“What does NFT even stand for, anyway?” Perhaps these words have resonated with you the past few months in conversations with colleagues or friends....

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FinTechs: Assessing Risk; Creating Effective Controls

In this edition of AML Voices, Elliot Berman, Creative Director at AML RightSource, Amelia Childress, Head of Compliance, Cash App at Square, Melissa...

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5 min read

The FinCrime Files – Q&A with Renata Hoes, Regulatory Compliance Manager at Bitstamp

In this edition of our FinCrime Files interview series, we had the pleasure of catching up with Renata Hoes. Wefirst spoke to Renata in June of 2020

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FinTechs: Explaining the Why of Compliance to Customers

In this edition of AML Voices, Elliot Berman, Creative Director at AML RightSource, Amelia Childress, Head of Compliance, Cash App at Square, Melissa...

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3 min read

How can AML analysts effectively make the most of alternative data

Part of an AML analysts’ workload involves the scrupulous investigation of ‘suspicious activity’ that could pass through a financial institution and...

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4 min read

Client Monitoring: Reducing False Positives and Leveraging Straight Through Processing

Despite the massive cost and reputational risks Financial Institutions (FIs) are exposed to, efficient fraud & AML systems largely remain elusive....

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2 min read

The Private Investment Industry Should Turn Its Focus to Anti-Money Laundering Compliance

Last summer, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) stated in a leaked intelligence bulletin that they believe that nearly $10 trillion in...

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