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1 min read

Are you ready for your DFS Part 504 Annual Certification?

What Is NY DFS Rule 504?

All DFS Bank and Nonbank licensed, regulated institutions pursuant to the Banking Law who conduct banking operations in New York must maintain programs to monitor and filter transactions for (BSA) and (AML) violations,...

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Wall-shaped binary codes make transmission lines of pulses and/or information in an analogy to a microchip.

4 min read

Part 3: The Role of Large Language Models in Modern AML

In the intricate landscape of contemporary financial systems, banks and financial service providers must dynamically adapt to mitigate risks and...

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Man with glasses looking at screen with screen reflected back on lenses

3 min read

Part 2: Can we trust AI?

In our latest podcast, Leandro Loss, Principal Data Scientist, and Kevin Lee, Director, Financial Crime Technology, delve into the trustworthiness of...

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human hand reaching out to touch machine hand

3 min read

Part 1: Demystifying Artificial Intelligence

Are you intrigued by Artificial Intelligence (AI) but find it confusing or intimidating? 

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3 min read

FinCEN on “Pig Butchering”

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has issued an Alert, FIN-2023-Alert005, on the virtual currency investment scam known as “pig...

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17 min read

Crime & Corruption on the Cold Seas

Evaluating Norway’s Readiness in Risk Management Relating to Russia’s Northern Sea Route

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4 min read

Efficient and Effective Financial Crime Compliance: Meet Tech-Enabled Managed Services

For banks and financial institutions, financial crime compliance isn’t just a goal – it’s a necessity. 

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2 min read

Payroll Tax Evasion and Workers’ Compensation Fraud – What to Watch For

Payroll tax evasion and workers’ compensation fraud are multi-million-dollar problems in the US construction sector. Especially as many of these...

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a hive of icons and pictures relating to planning

5 min read

We spoke to our experts; here are nine best practices to implement a compliance system successfully

A compliance department's function is integral for safe business and legally mandated. As such, any legacy system change, even if necessary, is met...

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3 min read

Terrorism in the EU

Terrorism and extremism are continuing global threats. Europol assists member states in the European Union (EU) with their anti-terrorism and...

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Flier of financial crime event

3 min read

AFC Summit Recap with FinTech Expert Kevin Lee

I recently had the pleasure of attending the European Anti-Financial Crime Summit in Dublin, hosted by AML Intelligence, alongside 400 delegates from...

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2 min read

New Guidance on Third-Party Risk Management for US Banks

The federal banking regulators have issued interagency guidance on managing the risks of working with third parties. The new guidance finalizes the...

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2 min read

Improving Efficiency and Your Financial Crimes Program

Are you responsible for a financial crime compliance program? If so, one of the things that keeps you up at night is how to improve the efficiency of...

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2 min read

The Long Journey to Ownership Transparency

Money launderers and criminals have used opaque corporate structures to hide and move ill-gotten gains for years. Such structures are also a haven...

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Hand stopping wooden dominoes from falling

2 min read

Winning the Compliance Battle: The Role of Managed Services in Modern Business

To remain competitive and successful in today's rapidly changing financial marketplace, banks and financial service providers need to be able to...

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Designer drawing visual plan of an application

3 min read

Compliance Solutions: Why Usability Matters

In the world of compliance, a user-friendly and efficient solution can make the difference between staying ahead or falling behind regulatory...

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Rows of imported containers in distribution yard

2 min read

The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act: Securing Your Supply Chain

In June 2022, the requirements of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) in the United States went into effect.

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wooden blocks in a row with checks

3 min read

Five Compliance Tips for Mid-Size Banks

Are you an AML compliance professional working for a mid-size bank? If so, you're in the right place.

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Global map

5 min read

2023 Financial Crime Market Outlook: Asia-Pacific

Welcome back to the fifth and final instalment of our 2023 financial crime market outlook series.

In this blog, we focus on Asia-Pacific countries.

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Global map

3 min read

2023 Financial Crime Market Outlook: Latin America

This is the fourth part of our Global Market Outlook Series and we’re looking at Latin America.

The term Latin America is used to describe the...

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Global map

4 min read

2023 Financial Crime Market Outlook: North America

Welcome back to the third part of our 2023 Financial Crime Market Outlook.

We are going to focus on North America and the laws, regulations, and...

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Global map

3 min read

2023 Financial Crime Market Outlook: Africa & The Middle East

Welcome back to our financial crime market outlook series. This is the second instalment of the series and we will be focusing on Africa and the...

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Global map

4 min read

2023 Financial Crime Market Outlook: UK & Europe

Worldwide, criminals launder between $800 million and $2 trillion each year, with 90% of money laundering crimes going undetected. 

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3 min read

This Year in AML: Up, Up and Away to 2023

Elliot Berman and I were pleased to be able to post close to 50 new conversations in 2022 about the many challenges, both domestic and international,...

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